Ping Pong Curiosities
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* Ping pong, also known as table tennis, is a racket sport played on a table divided in half by a net. The objective is to hit a small plastic ball with the racket, making it cross the net and fall on the table on the opposite side without the opponent being able to return the ball. The game originated in England at the end of the 19th century, as a version miniature version of tennis, and was played at dinner tables. Initially, the ball was a rubber ball, but later it was replaced by a celluloid ball, which is lighter and performs better. The sport became popular all over the world, and in 1926 the International Tennis Federation was founded. de Mesa (ITTF), which is responsible for regulating the sport and organizing international competitions. Ping pong made its Olympic debut at the 1988 Seoul Games and is a very popular sport in countries such as China, Japan and South Korea, which are the main powers of the sport. *