Beach VolleyBall Curiosities
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Games, Duels and Challenges about Beach VolleyBall

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In beach volleyball Curiosities - In beach volleyball Quiz - In beach volleyball Challenge

 - In beach volleyball - * In beach volleyball, only two hits are allowed, with the blocking hit being counted as one of the hits. The teams change sides of the court every set played, that is, every 21 points. The games are played in the best of three sets, with the first two sets going up to 21 points and, in case of a tie, a third tiebreaker set is played, going up to 15 points. *


Beach volleyball is played in pairs Curiosities - Beach volleyball is played in pairs Quiz - Beach volleyball is played in pairs Challenge

 - Beach volleyball is played in pairs - * Beach volleyball is played in pairs, with two players on each team. Each player has to cover a specific area of the court. The beach volleyball court has smaller dimensions than the indoor volleyball court, measuring 16 meters long by 8 meters wide. And the beach volleyball is a little bigger than the indoor volleyball, it has a circumference of approximately 65-67 centimeters. *


Beach volleyball Curiosities - Beach volleyball Quiz - Beach volleyball Challenge

 - Beach volleyball - * Beach volleyball is a variant of volleyball that is played on sand, and is also known as beach volley. It was created in the early 1920s in California, United States, but only became popular in the 60s and 70s. The first international beach volleyball tournament took place in 1987, in the city of Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro. It is played by doubles on a sand court that is smaller than the indoor volleyball court, and the height of the net is lower. The rules are the same as for indoor volleyball, but players have to deal with unstable weather and surface conditions. Beach volleyball has been an Olympic sport since the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. in Brazil, which is a world power in the modality, with several achievements and renowned players. There are also several beach volleyball tours around the world, such as the FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour and the AVP Tour in the United States. *

