Summary of PokémonPokémon Curiosities - Pokémon Quiz - Pokémon Challenge
Pokémon was created by Japanese designer Satoshi Tajiri and developer Ken Sugimori. Tajiri's original idea was to create a game that would allow children to experience the feeling of collecting insects in the wild. The name "Pokémon" is an abbreviation of "Pocket Monsters", which reflects the idea of collecting and transporting Pokémon in Poké Balls.
Meu filho adora assistir pokémon, é um desenho com uma idéia inovadora e encantador que permiti que as crianças consigam interagir e experimentar a emoção de coletar os insetos na natureza, além dos personagens serem criaturas cativantes e carismáticos. - by Rose Ferreira, Brasil
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