Summary of TheThe Curiosities - The Quiz - The Challenge
The building in which the British Museum operates was built in the 19th century and consists of four central wings. The south façade is adorned with Doric columns and a pediment triangle filled with sculptures in the classical style. Located in London, England, in addition to being the largest British museum, it is also the oldest national museum in the world. Since its founding, admission has been free. Its collection has more than 8 million pieces, including objects from Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.
Em uma de nossas viagens a Londres, visitamos o Museu Britânico, ele abriga uma vasta coleção de artefatos históricos, arte, esculturas, objetos arqueológicos e culturais de diferentes civilizações e períodos da história. O local inclui peças como a Pedra de Roseta e os frisos de Parteon de Atenas. Ele oferece aos visitantes uma oportunidade única de explorar e aprender sobre diversas culturas e civilizações. - by Rosana Chax, Brasil
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