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The Colosseum is one of the most iconic and famous monuments in the world and is located in Rome, Italy. Also known as the Flavian Amphitheater, it was built during the Roman Empire and opened in AD 80. It is an impressive testament to the architectural ingenuity and grandeur of the time. Originally used for public events such as gladiator fights, animal hunts, public executions and theatrical reenactments. The Colosseum has an elliptical shape and consists of four floors. The first floor was made of travertine (a type of rock) and the top three floors were built of brick. In the past, it was decorated with statues and colorful paintings, although little of these decorations have survived to the present day. Nowadays, the Colosseum is one of the main tourist attractions in Italy and receives millions of visitors every year.
Sua presença imponente é uma lembrança viva de uma era distante, mas que ainda fascina e encanta o mundo moderno. Curti muito visitar. - by Adilson Silva, Brasil
Sua grandiosidade é surpreendente, além de sua impressionante arquitetura. É um símbolo da história e da cultura romana. Vale apena visitar. - by Aloísio, Brasil
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